Who Was Maharshi Patanjali?

Maharshi Patanjali, despite all the legends associated with him, is in unison related to the Naga cult and Shaivait tradition. This only means that he was not from the Vedic tradition. The Yoga he expounds is the accumulation and proposition of the Samanik Vrata or Yoga. He gives importance to the Vratas, calling the mahavratas or supreme vows.

Short Story: Angelina Band

The receptionist informed her that the earliest appointment she could get would be in a month. Disheartened, Anjali started to leave, but the receptionist quickly added, “Madam, wait a minuteā€¦ let me check the registerā€¦” After a quick check, she whispered, “Wait for 15 minutes, I’ll send you in.”

How to Stay Focused: Strategies for Maximizing Your Productivity

Staying focused in a world full of distractions requires a combination of strategies tailored to your personal needs and lifestyle. By setting clear goals, creating a conducive environment, limiting distractions, practicing mindfulness, taking regular breaks, staying healthy, managing your time effectively,

King Shivaji and His Muslim Warriors

King Shivaji’s military campaigns were not crusades against Islam but strategic maneuvers against specific adversaries, notably the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb and the Vijapur Sultan Adilshah. It’s crucial to note that his enemies’ Muslim identity did not define his opposition to them.

What is Love Bombing and How to Protect Yourself from It?

Love bombing is a manipulative tactic often used by individuals, groups, or even cults to gain control over others. It involves showering someone with excessive attention, affection, and compliments to quickly build a deep emotional connection and dependence. The term “love bombing” originates from the idea that the person being targeted is bombarded with expressions of love and admiration.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency represents a revolutionary advancement in the field of finance and technology, offering the potential to reshape the way we transact, store value, and interact with money. While still in its early stages, cryptocurrency continues to gain traction as more people recognize its benefits and potential applications.

7 Habits of Highly Defective People

Mahaveer Sanglikar Senior Numerologist, Motivator & Mentor In the pursuit of success, happiness, and personal growth, it’s crucial to recognize not only what to do but also what to avoid. Just as there are habits that propel individuals toward their goals, there are also habits that hinder progress and fulfillment. These habits, when left unchecked, … Read more

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