Psychosomatic Disorders: Bridging the Mind-Body Divide

Psychosomatic stomach pain

Psychosomatic disorders are health problems where mental issues like stress, anxiety, or depression cause or worsen physical symptoms. These symptoms might either worsen existing health problems or appear as physical issues without a clear medical reason.

The Yoga in Jaina Tradition

The origins of the Yoga system, linked to the Samanas or Jains, are clear from the gradual development seen in Jain scriptures. Jain Yoga focuses on a four-step path to freedom: 1. Right faith, 2. Right knowledge, 3. Right conduct, and 4. Right austerity. Even though later schools adopted these paths under different names, the core principles remained unchanged.

How Bad Parenting Harms Children…

The consequences of bad parenting can extend into adulthood, affecting an individual’s overall quality of life. Adults who experience poor parenting may struggle with mental health issues, relationship difficulties, and a lack of resilience. They might find it challenging to establish a stable career, maintain healthy relationships, and develop a positive self-image.

Depression: Disadvantages & Ways to Overcome

Depression is a common and serious mental health condition that negatively affects how you feel, think, and act. It can lead to various emotional and physical problems
Symptoms of depression can vary widely among individuals but may include persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, emptiness, or irritability; loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed

7 Habits of Highly Defective People

Mahaveer Sanglikar Senior Numerologist, Motivator & Mentor In the pursuit of success, happiness, and personal growth, it’s crucial to recognize not only what to do but also what to avoid. Just as there are habits that propel individuals toward their goals, there are also habits that hinder progress and fulfillment. These habits, when left unchecked, … Read more

Excessive Weight Gain and Health Issues

Dimple Oswal Weight gain significantly influences overall health. It’s important to understand that its effects can vary for each person. Increased body weight goes beyond appearance, potentially leading to various health problems. Weight gain often leads to a higher risk of developing conditions like cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension. This connection between weight … Read more

What are Affirmations? How do They Work, and How to Use Them?

Mahaveer Sanglikar Motivator and Mentor8149128895 Introduction Affirmations have become a popular and effective tool for fostering positive thinking and personal development. Rooted in the belief that our thoughts shape our reality, they are powerful statements that, when repeated consistently, can influence our mindset, behavior, and ultimately, our lives. In this article, we will explore what … Read more

20 Affirmations to Attract Success | Affirmations for Success

Consistency is key when working with affirmations. Repeat them regularly with conviction, and pair them with intentional actions that support your financial goals. This combination can help shift your mindset and attract positive financial energy into your life.

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