The Yoga in Jaina Tradition

The origins of the Yoga system, linked to the Samanas or Jains, are clear from the gradual development seen in Jain scriptures. Jain Yoga focuses on a four-step path to freedom: 1. Right faith, 2. Right knowledge, 3. Right conduct, and 4. Right austerity. Even though later schools adopted these paths under different names, the core principles remained unchanged.

How to Stay Focused: Strategies for Maximizing Your Productivity

Staying focused in a world full of distractions requires a combination of strategies tailored to your personal needs and lifestyle. By setting clear goals, creating a conducive environment, limiting distractions, practicing mindfulness, taking regular breaks, staying healthy, managing your time effectively,

How to Develop Intuition: Secrets Revealed

Intuition often speaks in whispers, and it’s easy to miss its guidance amidst the noise of everyday life. Practice active listening not only to others but also to the subtle cues within your own mind. Create space for quiet reflection and contemplation. In silence, intuition finds its voice, offering clarity and direction.

20 Affirmations for Weight Loss

Mahaveer Sanglikar Motivator and Mentor8149128895 Weight gain can contribute to various health problems, and it is important to note that the impact may vary from person to person. Some common health problems associated with weight gain are Cardiovascular Diseases, Obesity, Hormonal Imbalances, Mental Health Issues, Digestive Disorders, Joint Problems, and much more. Regular affirmations for … Read more

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