They Won Group of Online Magazines

They Won Group of Online Magazines

They Won Group of Online Magazines: Inspiring Content Across Languages They Won is a vibrant collection of online magazines available in English, Hindi, and Marathi. Launched at the very first minute of January 1, 2024, this ambitious project has swiftly attracted a diverse global audience. Most of its readers come from India, the USA, Canada, … Read more

Psychosomatic Disorders: Bridging the Mind-Body Divide

Psychosomatic stomach pain

Psychosomatic disorders are health problems where mental issues like stress, anxiety, or depression cause or worsen physical symptoms. These symptoms might either worsen existing health problems or appear as physical issues without a clear medical reason.

Who Was Maharshi Patanjali?

Maharshi Patanjali, despite all the legends associated with him, is in unison related to the Naga cult and Shaivait tradition. This only means that he was not from the Vedic tradition. The Yoga he expounds is the accumulation and proposition of the Samanik Vrata or Yoga. He gives importance to the Vratas, calling the mahavratas or supreme vows.

The Yoga in Jain Tradition

The origins of the Yoga system, linked to the Samanas or Jains, are clear from the gradual development seen in Jain scriptures. Jain Yoga focuses on a four-step path to freedom: 1. Right faith, 2. Right knowledge, 3. Right conduct, and 4. Right austerity. Even though later schools adopted these paths under different names, the core principles remained unchanged.

The Early History of the Yoga

The ancient Vedic people sought happiness through rituals and prayers to their gods, focusing on material pleasures. Over time, they realized outer efforts alone weren’t enough for true fulfillment and eternal happiness. They integrated Samanic principles into their practices, adapting and presenting them as Yoga. They preferred the term Yoga over the original term Vrata because it suited them better.

The Origin of the Yoga System

When the Vedic Aryans first arrived, they learned from local ascetics and gradually adopted their rituals and spiritual beliefs as they moved towards the Kuru-Panchal region, which they called Aryavarta. Initially, they held negative views towards the Vratyas, who followed the Samana tradition. However, as some groups migrated further into the Magadha region, they had closer interactions with the Vratyas.

Conflict Management: Conflicts in Friendship and How to Manage

Disagreements are a normal aspect of any close relationship, including friendships. They arise from the inherent differences between individuals and can catalyze personal growth and deeper understanding when handled constructively.

Misunderstandings in Relationships and How to Fix Them

Misunderstanding between couple leads to frequent fights

Men might seek respect and appreciation, while women might prioritize emotional intimacy and validation. Such varying expectations can lead to feelings of neglect or underappreciation if partners are not attuned to each other’s emotional requirements. This gap is further widened by societal norms and stereotypes, which can shape how individuals perceive their roles within a relationship, sometimes limiting authentic expression and mutual understanding.

Short Story: The Pain Of Rejection

That night, watching the empty house from their parked car, despair threatened to consume them. But then, amidst the tears, a quiet determination sparked in Indu’s eyes. They wouldn’t give up. They contacted a lawyer, explained their situation, the years of support they’d offered both financially and